essere to be sono (noi) siamo sei (voi) siete e (loro) sono
piglio (n) look/expression/countenance
palo (n) goalpost
teatro (“th” sound)
tizio dude/chap/so-and-so
spazio space/room aka in Italian, camera
banca, piazza, negozio
mazzo bunch (mazzo di chiavi)
chiavi keys
lacci lace (lace up shoe)
negozio (ne-gots-zio) btwn goats and gots
ragno spider
cani dogs
gatti cats
rana (frog) rah-nah
vicino/a neighbor (vi-chee-no)
alto tall
ragazzo boyfriend/kid/child
ragazza girlfriend
giornali newspapers (giornal = newspaper)
polli chickens (pollo = chicken)
da from
sullo on
pozza crazy
voci voices (vo-chi)
simpatica/o nice/pleasant
mio / mia mine
runa secret
un’amica a (gurl) friend
loto lotus (lawtoe)
Lotto lot/batch/bunch/group (lot-toe)
timido shy
bacia (bah-cha) (bah-cho) kiss
baco bug (cpu or earth) / worm (Bach-ah)
danno damage
voti vote/vow/grades
voci (vô chi)
caffè coffee
tavolo table (tah-vah-low)
calcio soccer
partita game
donna woman
ecco here is/there is
Order in a restaurant
antipasto appetizer
riso rizzo
torta cake
il conto the check
Come primo for the first course
Come secondo
Come dolce for dessert
Come how/as/how does
Buona sera, come primo, vorrei la pasta
Grazie mille e a presto see you soon
presto soon/early/exercise
Buy things in a store
la giacca jacket (ja- cah)
Rosa red
rosso red
Nero black
la sua her
la mia
il mio
caro expensive
economica cheap
Mi piace i like
Vorrei I’d like
comprare buy
Cosa what
Costa it costs
È it’s
Cara expensive
nuova new
Compleanno birthday
io so I know
migliore amica best friend
tu puoi you can
cappello hat
io ho bisogno di i need
maglione sweater (mai-Lee-oh-nay)
camicia shirt
manzo beef 🥩
C’è is there
specchio mirror
zaino backpack (zai)
piccolo small/little/younG
birra beer
sorella sister
scontrino receipt
conto check
Lo the/him/it
Quanto costa how much is
costa costs
uno 1
due 2 (dway)
dieci 10
cinquanta 50 (chink)
cento 100 (chen)
io ho (yo-oh)
tu hai (eyy or eye)
lei ha (ah)
hanno they have (ah-no)
io sono yo so-no
tu sei tu-say
lei lay
mano (n) hand. “Man mano” = gradually, bit by bit. Drop the o off of mano on the first word in that phrase.
chiesa church (key-ayyy-sa)
mai never
baca berry
Runa secret
o or
è is
e and
il (masc) the
la (fem) the
un a
da from
di of / with / for
qui here (q like quest)
ma but
anche also (Anne)
al at the
interrogative adjectives
quale which
quanto how much
che what/that (kay)
chi who (key)
quando when
come how
cosa? what
questo this/that
a in/to/away
per for
mi chiamo
Io lovoro I work
Io vivo I live
come ti chiami what’s your name?
lo (LO): is used for all masculine nouns beginning with s+consonant or z. il (IL): is used for all masculine nouns starting in a consonant, except the case where you use "lo". la (LA): is used with feminine nouns starting with any consonant
dov’è where is / where’s (dove) + is (è)
c’è there is / there’s (ce) + è (pronounced “chey” not like che)
ecco here’s / there’s
come stai how are you
sto bene im fine
vuoi do you want
Vorrei I want (vurr- ayy)
buona sera good evening / night
non c'e dubbio - without a doubt non c'e male - not bad ce vediamo - see you
come si chiama
il mio amico americano è timido
fare da o il palo to act as look-out
saltare di palo in frasca (figurative) to jump from one topic to another
Mario è un marito con una figlia e una moglie. Lui o lei è dove Londra.
Salve, dov’è il teatro?
Simon, non ho una runa per la telepatia.
Simon, I don't have a telepathy rune
Tu hai un marito alto - you have a tall husband
Ciao Mateo, di dove sei? (Hey , of where you from)
word pronunciation
chi / c key
ci chee
cia (cha)
c’e chey
vo vô
ha ah
ẻ eyy
ei (eyy)
lui Louie
lei lay
What is a substantive noun example?
any part of speech, including an adjective or a verb, that serves the function of a noun within a given sentence.
Here is an example of the substantive noun being used correctly within the context of a sentence. "On his walk home from his job, the man decided to stop by at the regular and order a hearty Southern dinner." In this sentence, the term "regular" is an adjective being used as a substantive noun.
bibacity, bibacious
Sedition speech inciting rebellion
Reposition to alter position (as in to a place of safety)
incisive sagacious/sharp/clear-thinking
predilection penchant
homophones (words that sound the same but differ in meaning)
neologism newly coined word or expression
Lingua franca
Descriptivism vs Prescriptivism philosophies on how language is used v how language ought to be used
Denotation vs connotation dictionary definition vs what feeling a word evokes (undertone/hidden meaning in addition to its literal meaning)
Concrete word vs abstract word concrete words can be visualized (like a printer in an office), abstract words can’t (a resource)
Double entry journal